So I'm starting a new blog, all about me. I run/blog Wichita Welches which is all about our family and misc. stuff in my life.
But for 6 months I have been trying to lose weight and I have done a wonderful job at maintaining my weight, but little weight loss. I run, but I also eat a lot. I eat when I'm happy, sad, anxious, mad. I make good choices some of the times, but not always. And I wanted a blog that helps document my journey, because weight loss isn't a destination, it is a life long journey.
I do have one goal. Today's starts my daughter's first day of 3rd grade. My goal is to lose 40 pounds by the time the school year is over in 9 months. May 23, 2014 will come no matter what I do so why not lose the weight?
Why do I want to lose weight? Currently my BMI is 30.7. Overweight, almost obese. My blood pressure used to be 90/60. Now it sits at 120/70. Not horrible, but not great. My blood sugar is normal, but why wait for it to get worse before doing something. I love my parents, but I don't have skinny genes in my genetic pool. I need to work hard to keep my weight in the normal range.
I want to be healthier and fit into any type of clothes and not feel like I'm 6 months pregnant.
So join me on my journey. I'll keep it updated regularly and update my progress, my exercises and food regimens and what's works for me.